Monday, August 11, 2008

Positively positive

Ah, chalk one up for the laundrygirl!!! Being all proactive, that's me. I decided to call to try to schedule my MRI and I did!!! Friday, step closer to figuring out what's up. I'm trying to stay positive too, there's no point in getting depressed or stressed, I just need to focus on good thoughts. I think of it in terms of a minor annoyance. It's not like I'm immobile. I'm walking and bending and kneeling (not too much though, that's just the weirdest feeling EVER!). I'm still healthy and this is just a sign to slow down and take some measures to ensure my health for the future.

The shot above was from the other night. It was one of those slightly magical nights that just make you happy to be alive. The girls were excited to be out running around and I was happy to be taking pictures and Alex, well he says as long as his girls are happy he's happy. Lily sure had a good time. But there's not much that gets her down anyway, except for tiredness maybe. :o)

1 comment:

Bridge said...

I love those evenings. As summer winds down, they are becoming so precious.