Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A good question...

...I'm still going through with the MRI...but...I was talking with my mother earlier and she brought forth an idea, a thought that had been lingering in the back of my mind for awhile, well ever since this numbness started. About 5 weeks ago I had an IUD placed, I never would have thought it could be the culprit to my numbness and tingling. Turns out I could be wrong. I came across a site tonight, a forum, and it seems that I am not the only one with this numbness and tingling and it is generally located on the left side. I feel bad for others who have gone through months of tests and treatments, even thinking perhaps they had MS only to realize that this was truly the problem. Other side effects for people have been headaches, joint pain, insomnia, extreme irritability, nausea and heart palpitations. Aside from the headaches, that's me. I had a bad feeling as it got closer to having the IUD placed, I should have listened to my instincts.

I called this evening and made an appointment to have it removed. I want it gone. Even if it's not the reason for my numbness, I have to rule it out!!!

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