Sunday, September 28, 2008

Now I Remember Why

This is why I love my camera. I still didn't get a chance to get the camera out this weekend. It was all about getting as much done as possible while grandma was here to care for the girls. But I did get a chance FINALLY to get the photos from last weekend off of my camera card...and I found some that I love. The one above is one of them. My Lily, the epitomy of childhood and fun, what goes together better that balloons, afternoon sun and a payground???

Friday, September 26, 2008

The Crazy Busy Calm

Two weeks post diagnosis and I can't actually say that I've handled the news with the utmost of grace. Though, I'm not quite sure how anyone is supposed to handle news like this.

All I can say is that I feel much better now. I'm starting to get back into the swing of things. I can hardly wait to pick up my camera again. I feel like it's been forever. I felt like I needed to check out of all things that were extraneous to my home life for a while. Too many thoughts swirling in my head that needed attention. Honestly, I think I just needed to weed through them all and determine which actually needed attention and which needed to be ignored due to their destructive nature. I feel like I'm there now, bad thoughts gone, good ones here to stay. Head back on straight and ready to spread my attention again. Phew!

My little girls...I so need to get more pictures of them. Hopefully this weekend will make for some good opportunities. I actually have some from last weekend that include a birthday party for one of Lily's little friends that I haven't even downloaded yet...that is an amazing feat in itself. Pictures that are still on the camera card?!?!?!? Why, that's unheard of!

Things I'm working on:

-Organization, Organization, Organization!!!! New cubby style bookcases make for super-duper organization! Woo-hoo, let the oraganization craziness begin!

-Moving the girls to their new, bigger room, with the cutest cupcake sprinkles motif done by yours truly!!!

-Planning the new vegetable planters for the backyard! I can hardly wait!

-Scarves, scarves and more scarves. Finishing scarves from last year and inventing new ones for this year!!! How many scarves can one girl have???? Never enough I say!!!! Hah hah!!

Monday, September 15, 2008

All Over the Place

Right now I am all over the place emotionally. I'll be thinking positive strong thoughts and then all of a sudden break into tears. "Why me?" "what's ahead?" "what if?" that sort of know.

I strongly feel that I will not be on a drug therapy. From much of what I have read it seems that drugs aren't always that beneficial in slowing/preventing episodes. I am still smack-dab in the middle of a full-blown episode, mild compared to some people, still yucky for me though. A few days ago I felt better when I woke up only to get worse again by the end of the day into the next few days and even now. I still have a numb hand and arm, I have an almost costant buzzing in my legs and feet combined with pretty mild numbness in both legs now and I still have tingling or buzzing in my feet when I put my head down to look at my feet, only now I feel it occasionally in my torso as well. On top of that, I am just stripped of energy right now which makes it hard to take care of the girls. I still do it, I just feel worn to the bone doing it.

I'm still holding onto the doctor's words, he called it mild. Mild lesions, not huge ugly ones, mild ones...maybe I can make them stop dead in their tracks. Maybe I can keep them from getting larger. People have experienced promising results from a major change in diet (some very low-fat, some all natural which exclude gluten, dairy, processed foods and refined sugar), so far I am working with the all natural, low-fat and excluding dairy. It's lots and lots of fruits and veggies for me. I'm a bit of a healthy eater anyway at least I know where to start. When I wanted to make a change like this for weight loss alone, it was too hard. Now, I can't imagine eating any other way. My husband will offer me something that I know I shouldn't put in my body, like cheese pizza or ice cream and I want no part of it!!

I just want to be mobile in the future for my girls. I want to travel as my husband and I always planned...I want nothing to do with a cane or wheel chair. My vision for the future has always been clear. I see myself as strong, energetic, athletic, walking, hiking, biking, kayaking, traveling, gardening, cooking, working on my many hobbies, just loving life, spending time with my girls and the rest of the family. I can't accept it any other way. So, here I am, my vision, my positive thoughts. Honestly, I just want to stop thinking that there's anything wrong at all. I want to get back to a care-free mind-set. That's a major goal of mine right now. Less thoughts of a yucky disease, more of my life as it has always been.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Officially Official

I have officially been given the diagnosis of clinically isolated syndrome (monosymptomatic MS). Which means that the doc thinks I have MS, but a clinical diagnosis cannot be made until I have another episode. My brain MRI showed mild lesions, and combined with the swelling in my spine and my symptoms I guess that's enough evidence for my diagnosis. Since I am still breastfeeding Emma, we have decided that I will supplement with Calcium and Vitamin D until I am done, and then we will consider starting treatment which involves a weekly injection with some possible yucky side effects.

I'm bummed.

Friday, September 5, 2008


So, second MRI down. My mother in law was fabulous...she came to stay the night with the girls since the MRI was at 10PM. I got to drink some wine and my husband drove me. That would have been horrible to go that late on my own. The MRI wasn't as bad, I suppose because I was tired and relaxed. It took a little longer than she said it would though. In the meantime, I emailed my dr. to make sure there was no way it could be a pinched nerve or a slipped disk and no luck, he says that would have shown on the first MRI, he thinks I have a mild form of MS. Not sure what that means. I have an appointment on Wednesday to talk with him some more and decide where to go from there.

Here at home things are good. Little Em started cereal already, just a little. She REALLY likes it! We have been crazy busy on the weekends and Em has been keeping me steadily engaged during the day. Her naps went from long and frequent to null and void in the span of a few weeks. Ah well, it couldn't last forever.

I have a friend photo shoot planned for this weekend. I'm excited! I'm a little nervous too. I haven't done an actual photo shoot yet, should be fun! She's about 8 months along now so we're doing belly shots for her!!!