Thursday, April 10, 2008

Photo Fun Day

The day started off very busy. The usual cereal and banana for Lily and I to start. Then came the washing of EVERYTHING baby!!! Over the weekend we pulled out all the clothing that we stashed away after Lily outgrew them...out came the bassinette, the swing, the bouncer and the car seat and...I think that might have been it...phew, it was plenty! It all got washed and folded and put back in place and we are now in the waiting mode. Bags are aaaalmost packed, though I have baby's clothes picked out. This time I am taking the smallest onesies I can find, I remember how Lily was swimming in the newborn outfit she came home in. Hey!! We bought newborn, it should have fit fine!!!! So, I am taking two sizes...the smallest itty bitty newborn onesie and pants I could find and some a little larger just in case. I think this little one will be smaller than Lily was though. We'll know soon enough!

So after our wonderful, fabulous, much-needed nap, we settled into a photo afternoon, which went about like this... was all Simon's fault...he looked so cute staring out the window...

...but Lily thought she was cuter and I should take pictures of her...but she just couldn't sit still...

...we couldn't resist going attempt here at some slide motion blur action...

...then some sandbox fun...who would have thought this shovel...

...could make for such a nifty filter?

All in all, a productive and successful photo fun day!

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