Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Lily's Letters

Lily's Letters, originally uploaded by LaundryGirlPhotog.

Lately everyday is a block letter day in our household. Lily has gotten very good at placing her letters in their corresponding spots on her letter puzzle...we're still working on getting her to recognize which letter is far she has A, B, C and "whale" for W, she's so cute.

So far this week she has had several owies and she milks them for all they're worth. She had a couple of paper cuts on one of her hands, so she constantly held her hand close to her chest and would cry and show them to me at every possible opportunity...they are all healed now but she still looks at them every day. Today she fell and scratched up her knee though she didn't pay it much mind for the most part until her bath where she proceeded to cry throughout the entire scrub-a-dub time...the scratches are very minor. Lol!!!! I think we're in for it. She's showing a tendency to be as much a klutz as her momma was. I ALWAYS had scraped knees and elbows. I should have worn knee and elbow pads at all times!!!!

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