Thursday, March 5, 2009


When it rains, it's pours and I'm not talking about the weather. I'm seriously rethinking this daycare thing. Though I'm not so sure it's related in any way, and the Nurse Practitioner basically confirmed it was not from daycare but poor little Lily has pink eye and an ear infection. That little girl never once complained that her ear hurt. I would never have known if she hadn't had yucky eyes that forced me to call and schedule an impromptu appointment this morning. Apparently her pink eye is from her very mild, lingering know, rub your nose - rub your eyes, that sort of thing and the ear infection of course is a direct result of the cold as well. I'm just glad she's on antibiotics now. She NEVER gets sick!!!! We've been having the best week too, I set up a little learning center for her to get her in gear with her letters and numbers. She's also learning where the US is on the world map and she's learned where California and Arizona are on the US cool is that? I just hope she feels better soon and I hope little miss Emmy doesn't get the pink eye!!! Oh, horror of horrors that would be!!! My mom in law is coming tomorrow to visit, thank goodness!

In other FABULOUS NEWS little Emmy officially started to walk today!!!!...even with so much going on. Oh my goodness it is the most amazing thing to see! I love watching her balance and wobble and yet still step forward with confidence and seeing that sense of accomplishment written all over her face! WOW! She'll get her very own post tomorrow hopefully with a picture to prove it!!! She's beautiful!

My appt. went well today. I was told I did not have a sinus infection. I was told that I had to have a fever of at least 103 and puss running out my nose in order for it to be considered a sinus infection. Apparently I have sinus congestion. I must say that according to WebMD I do qualify as having a sinus infection...but whatever. I am taking sudafed, tylenol, mucinex and using a nasal spray-neti pot type thing, and as per doctor's instructions I am hanging my head upside down while I blow my nose, it just seems strange to me...but again, whatever. My face feels like someone poured lead into it, it hurts a great deal and it sucks. Additionally, I may be taking medication for hypothyroidism soon. I'm not surprised, I only have a half a thyroid and have been told many times that it will eventually fail and I will be on meds for it the rest of my life. Goodness gracious. I seriously went from a no-meds-for-nothing kind of gal to all-in in less than a year. I have decided to take it all in stress.

Also today I learned that my drug of choice for MS was approved for Clinically Isolated Syndrome (Monosymptomatic MS) diagnoses like mine! Woo Hoo! Now I just have to convince the dr. that it is the right drug for me. I could take the drug he wants me to take which is an itramuscular injection once a week that makes you feel like you have the flu for a day or two (um, the flu, a day or two, every week!!!!!), these side effects generally slack off after six months to a year...or I could take a daily subcutaneous injection that for most people has little or no side effects except for injection site itching, soreness, redness or bruising. Yes the once a week injection sounds convenient but, yeah, did I mention the day or two of flu-like symptoms every week???? I have girlies to take care of...I just don't think I could handle the flu every week on top of everything else I have to do. Well next Tuesday is the day of dealing for all that, that's my next appt. with the Neuro.

What a busy day this has been!!! It's absolute proof that life is chalk full of ups and downs. Today the ups were so fantastic even compared to the downs. I'm still in awe of Emmy, this might have been the day I finally cracked if it wasn't for her!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Yay! for Emma. That is so exciting. Sorry everything else is so crazy. I love when the kids do something to make your day so that you don't crack. Hope Lily gets better soon.