Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My little walker!!!

I promised this post several days ago, but as usual I'm running a little behind. Cangrats to my little sweet Emmy-lou!!! She is officially navigating the ground on two strong, solid feet!!!! That absolutely means that i have to watch her much more closely and soon she will be off and tumbling with the older one...I can hardly wait!

Well, maybe I can wait a bit...I'm already breaking up bitty skirmishes between the two. I can't imagine the future that awaits. My sister and I had some knock-down drag-out fights, mostly with her knocking me down and dragging me out. I just found it so hard to hit back...she was about half my height and weight (ok, maybe 3/4) and I just felt that I didn't have it in me to strike someone. Because of that, the furniture and especially the doors that my sister slammed in my face took the brunt of my wrath!!! Take that foul couch!!! Ha ha!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

So Cute! I can't believe she walking. Time sure does fly by. Enjoy her walking and hopefully not too much fighting with Lily.