Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I really have MS? Yup. I really have a disease? Yup. So, I can't just wiggle my way out of this cuz I really don't want to do this anymore? Uh, Nope.

I have this thing, a personality quirk really. I often start things and don't finish them. I know I am not alone in this! Right?!?!? Well, that's what I'd like to do with this MS thing. I tried it, I don't like it so much, so I'd just like to move on. Ugh, if only I could.

On Saturday evening I noticed that my left eye was blurry and hazy and I thought it had something to do with the sinus issues I've been having lately but then the sinus issues went away and the eye issue stayed. So, when I saw my neuro on tues. I asked if it could be optic neuritis related to MS and he examined me and said yes. He then told me that I had to take three straight days (1 hour IV infusions) of a steroid to get the swelling down in the hopes of keeping me from losing site in my eye (let me stress, lost sight is generally not permanent!!). So, I walked in there this afternoon in horrible pain whenever I would move my eye and I walked out an hour and a half later absolutely wired and in less than half the pain that I walked in with. I even took Nyah to dog training tonight. She passed her puppy training course! Go Nyah!

Now, however, I have this lingering metal tasted in my mouth, I have indigestion, I'm burning up half the time and frozen the other half and my joints feel like someone smashed them to bits. I'm told insomnia is not unusal and I'm ok with all of this because my eyesight is so important to me.

I get to start my daily meds as soon as the nurse comes to show me how to inject. Yay and not so yay. I am officially diagnosed with full-on MS now that I've had a second relapse. Bleh. At least when I told the doc what drug I wanted to take he didn't even show one hint of disapproval. He just said yes. Thank goodness for small favors!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

You are always in my thoughts. I hope things get better and that the treatment helps. If you need anything please call I can be there quickly.