Thursday, January 3, 2008


I've had some book binding supplies and papers just sitting around from my horrendous trip to KC in June and sometime early last year my husband brought home this mail sorter that his office was no longer using, which basically consisted of a box that had these thin but strong shelves that slid into place (I kept the shelves, the box took up too much room), to make a short story long, I decided I wanted to put it all together and make myself a pretty box.

I cut down two of the little shelves for the sides and just kept the other three pieces the size they were already and using book cloth tape I assembled the box (after several attempts which were thwarted by my daughter). I then proceeded to decorate it with some paper I thought was pretty. I know making boxes out of book binding materials isn't exactly a new concept, you can buy kits, but I'm really excited to be able to put some materials to use that would have just eventually been tossed. The box is super sturdy too and a decent size, probably 8.5" by 12". I haven't decided if I'll keep it for some of my art supplies or use it to house Lily's smaller books. In the end I'll probably keep it for myself. I may even make another one since I still have enough supplies to go around and lots of pretty paper too!!! Here it is...

...there is something to be said for making something all by myself and using materials that have just been laying around. I didn't want to copy instructions or buy expensive materials, I just wanted to make it work!!! And I did! There are a few flaws which I won't point out but it was definitely a fun learning experience...and I think it will have to be entered into my creative journal. I think more reuse project are in order!!! I have so much STUFF hanging around that just begs to be put to use!

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