Thursday, October 16, 2008

Gone Raw

Oh, how I love to take just a bit of time each morning to catch up on some of my favorite blogs and surf for new recipes. I have only a few moments really. I keep staring longingly at my knitting, at my camera, at my art supplies. They are lying idle these days, very idle. I think knitting has gotten the most action because it's quiet and requires little clean-up. I'm trying for my first pair of gloves (fingerless)! They'll be so great. I've made a few stitch mistakes but I don't have the heart to fix 'em. Gives 'em character.

Little Emmy is making super strides in the sitting department, she still HATES her tummy time and my hopes that she'll start crawling anyday now are still on pause. But she can sit great, she's even starting to get that she can get her balance by putting her arms out on the floor. She's so attached to me right now. ...sigh... She even cries if daddy wants to hold her and mommy is across the room. I vaguely remember this phase with Lily...vaguely. I hope it passes soon. Love her but I feel so bad whenever I go to Yoga and come home and she's cried her eyes out for 2 hours. That's hard on everyone, especially daddy.

So, the recipes that I've been looking up are of the 'raw' variety. I received an email from my yoga teacher with a link to another yoga teacher who has MS. On her site was a link to Ani's Raw Kitchen which got me started on all this. I love it! I thought when I started eating raw I would be starving all the time but I'm not at all. I've been eating mostly veggies, fruits and nuts, salads and some more gourmet type recipes that I've come across on Ani's site and others. I still have meat every now and again, fish mainly. But it was too hard for me to alter the way I was eating before in order to determine if this or that caused my MS to flare up more...this way the main things that can effect me are types of nuts and I still have soy products, which should make it easy to experiment. I had both almonds and soy sauce last night and something caused my hand to stiffen, so I've decided to have soy sauce today and almonds tomorrow to see how it affects me.

Ah, I hear baby, so bye for now!!!

1 comment: said...

When I first read the title, it piqued my interest immediately. I thought it was another person who now feeds their dog or cat raw meat and bones just as they were intended in nature. As I began reading it quickly became aware that you refer to the human raw eating :) We tried this for two summers in a row -- seems when the cold weather comes, not only do we have problems finding produce but we just seem to 'need' or crave meat. I hope this goes well for you!!