Thursday, October 30, 2008

Baby Steps

Even as I write this, my girls are sitting on top of my desk by my side. I'm not sure what it is about this age for babies. I guess they're too big to sleep all day and too small to do much for themselves, so it falls upon the mamas to lead the babies where they go and show them what they may want to see. Such is my life at this moment. I am taking baby steps to get back into the swing of things. Baby steps back to photos, baby steps back to art. A little here, a little there. Sometimes I wish there were so many more hours in the day for babies to sleep and mamas to play!!!


Amanda said...

I hear more hours for them to sleep and me to play. I want to do so much but time just runs out.

Leslie said...

Well, just like your photo, it's a season that will pass. I understand what you're saying, but as the mom of teens, I can tell you that you'll miss those sweet times all too soon!

laundrygirl said...

You are right of course, Leslie. I try so hard to keep that in focus. Some days, I will admit, it is much easier than others.