Friday, July 11, 2008

tears for steers

tears for steers, originally uploaded by LaundryGirlPhotog.

There was no sunset last night. In fact, the sun diappeared almost completely behind a wall of smoke. While on the hunt for a smoky, colorful sunset we met up with our friendly steers. These are the same steers that months before wouldn't give me the time of day, I could never get close enough to get photos. Last night, though, they must have been hoping we'd provide some relief from the smoke and the heat and came right up to the fence to greet us. I wanted to do something for them, this guy especially, I think the smoke was making hime tear up.

As we left, we saw that there were cows peaking over the hill behind us as good shots of them though. I do feel bad that they can't retreat from the 112 degree heat and smoke.

1 comment: said...

great photo. You must be in California from the comments in this post -- that kind of heat must be so difficult on them. Lovely spot you have here.
