Tuesday, October 16, 2007

So, I'm hormonal

Being almost 3 months pregnant will do that to a girl I suppose. I want to do everything in my power to make everyone happy...unfortunatley my powers are not very mighty at the moment. With naseau a constant companion, sleep deprivation due to an overly cranky, teething, tantrumy, newly-clingy 16 month old and just the usual 1st trimester hormone fest and energy drain, I'm spent. I'm done, dried up like last Thanksgiving's turkey (which I am happy to say I did not cook...come to think of it, I can't remember who did). Moving on.

A young man came up to the door tonight trying to sell this wonder cleaner...it was cool...it got out Sharpie ink from a towel, mildew on the driveway, made a spot on my redwood planter look like new again, my husband's chrome bumper sparkled and shined...then I had to tell the kid no. :o( Ugh, I wouldn't have let him go on so long, but he was on a role. He was a good salesman...I got a chuckle or two. I hope I didn't take up too much of his precious time...I hope someone down the road bought some more cleaner from him, he was trying to win a trip to Cancun. I wouldn't mind going to Cancun. I felt really bad saying no. Oh well.

I feel like it's been forever and I'm finally starting to take photos again. It's nice.

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